Friday, February 2, 2007

Mini-Field Report, A Comment on a Blog, & Guilty Pleasure: Sleep

Mini-Field Report:

Film Buff asked me to go shopping with him today after school. Well, somehow I managed to not finish my paper last night which was due today. So I woke up sometime before 3 a.m. and finished my paper just in enough time to get to my first class on time (I'm such a good student, huh?) And I ended up turning in a mediocre paper. Oh well, I'll just 'visualize' myself doing better on the next paper (and midterm for that matter).

Speaking of midterms, we're in the middle of mid-terms now. That means there are a lot of papers and a lot of tests that are happening next week. I've fallen behind and need to read a shit load of middle English bullshit, so I don't flunk the one class that I am actually taking for my major this quarter. The other two classes I am taking, although they are both very rigorous and immensely enjoyable, neither counts towards my major. But that is neither here or there.

I met up with Film Buff (why I originally called him that...I will never know...I am not even sure he's a "film buff") From now on Film Buff is going to be known as Dr. Yes...because he's going to get YESes with a surgical precision. Ha...I came up with the name....He came up with the slogan....Except we didn't discuss this becoming his new name....but I am going to call him that at least in my blog...because it will be good for his confidence and he can have fun "visualizing" getting YESes with such precision.

Well for what ever reason, Dr. Yes didn't really feel like opening or "picking up" women big surprise to's becoming his M.O. You might be thinking, we should call him Dr. No, because it fits his current frame but that would do nothing for his transformation.

And he's already started the transformation. He may not realize it yet but he's embarking on a monumental transformation...1 year from now, neither of us will recognize him. I'd bet on it and I am not the betting type. He's already made several steps in the right direction. He works out every day, he eats (what he thinks is) healthy, and he took me shopping with him.

And I have to admit, Dr. Yes takes just as long to shop as some girls. But we had fun....or at least, I had fun. He ended up getting several stylish things that accent his blue eyes and brown hair...SIDE NOTE: Hey ladies, he's single and you could be on a date with him in the next 31 days. We're also planning to invite another friend to go shopping tomorrow on Melrose, we'll call this friend "Hands-off Harry" because he's insanely young, amazingly attractive, super fashionable, humorous as hell, and in a relationship. That combination equals hands-off in my book (regardless of my visualizations). We're also going to invite the Exchange guy. Exchange Guy is going to need a new name too but first we have to come up with a really good one for him too. I love Exchange Guy; he really reminds me of my little brother. They are both the same height and they both have the same body build (skinny). He's cool and I'll miss him when he goes back to his European university after spring quarter.

A Blog Comment

I made a comment on Tenmagnet's blog, check it out. He liked the comment and made it a blog entry. Check it out.


Guilty Pleasure: Sleep

If I had the energy I'd write a great post about sleep...but for now all I have to say is:


Good Night.

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