Day 4
NOTE: Today is one of the more critical days of the Stylelife Challenge. Make sure you listen to your special mission given in Task #3 below. If you are going to be at hoiday events all day, it is still possible to complete this mission -- as long as you are interacting with people who you didn't previously know.
If you masturbate, do not masturbate today.
~I hope this task doesn't appear repeatedly or regularly..this isn't what I signed up for.
wake up, CHECK
shower, CHECK
shampoo, CHECK
soap thoroughly, CHECK.
Wash twice if you want. DOUBLE CHECK
Put something scented on your body
– Sorry, no can do. My skin is reacting to winter & I need to avoid all scents. PERIOD.
Then shave your face clean. Make sure you shave or tweeze any stray places where you have hair – the back of your neck, your ears, your nostrils.
~I removed plenty of access hair. And dyed my eye browns darker.
Put on some clean, well-fitting clothing. And feel like a million dollars.
Look at yourself in the mirror and read the following: You are a god. People love you. You glow and radiate charisma and charm. You stand out from everyone else around you. Talking to you is a privilege. You deserve the best the world has to offer. It’s all there out there, waiting for YOU to take it. CHECK
Now, say the following out loud, with conviction: I am a god. People love me. I glow and radiate charisma and charm. I stand out from everyone else around me. Talking to me is a privilege. I deserve the best the world has to offer. It’s all out there, waiting for ME to take it. CHECK
Repeat it once more time, or as many times as it takes, until you really FEEL and EMBODY it.
~I repeated this throughout the day. I had it written on a small card and evidentially memorized the whole thing. And I have to honestly say that this is the exact reason why I am doing this challenge. The above statement is extremely powerful in endless many ways; it blows my mind. People who can say that statement to themselves throughout their days and believe it, will truly improve their lives. I have no doubt in my mind. I did make one small alteration and my first sentence is: "I am a Goddess"; I hope nobody minds.
There you go.
Today, you have a special mission. It is best to perform this mission as soon as you are shaved, showered, clean, and feeling good. You can find out what it is here:
~This was so awesome too. I finished this task by noon and all but one guy had a suggestion for a men's clothing store, and one guy gave me several recommendations and I got a study buddy out of it too.
Brown hair, Brown eyes:
~Sometime before 10am, Guy at copier, asked over my shoulder. Urban Outfitters on Westwood.
Black Hair, Dark eyes:
~Just before 10am, guy sitting behind me in class. Asked over the shoulder. He didn't have a recommendation.
Black hair, brown eyes:
~10am, guy sitting next to me in class. He gave me 3 recommendations. And he asked me to study with him for the midterm.
Brown hair, blue eyes (yum):
~Just before noon. Guy walking towards me on campus, 3rd street promenade.
Asia Black hair, brown eyes:
~Noon, guy wearing a tie. I asked him wear I could buy a tie; he said Ross. I asked him where that was; he said westwood.
If you haven’t yet posted your photo in the Style Critique section of the board, do so today.
~I am not going to post a photo; I value my anonymity.
Go to the Style Critique section of the board. Offer constructive criticism to those who have posted photos. CHECK
Choose one of the following to experience again: The mind-shaping CD, the posture videos, or the voice exercises. This is recommended every day during the Challenge.
~Ummm...ok, later.
If you masturbate, do not masturbate today.
~I hope this task doesn't appear repeatedly or regularly..this isn't what I signed up for.
wake up, CHECK
shower, CHECK
shampoo, CHECK
soap thoroughly, CHECK.
Wash twice if you want. DOUBLE CHECK
Put something scented on your body
– Sorry, no can do. My skin is reacting to winter & I need to avoid all scents. PERIOD.
Then shave your face clean. Make sure you shave or tweeze any stray places where you have hair – the back of your neck, your ears, your nostrils.
~I removed plenty of access hair. And dyed my eye browns darker.
Put on some clean, well-fitting clothing. And feel like a million dollars.
Look at yourself in the mirror and read the following: You are a god. People love you. You glow and radiate charisma and charm. You stand out from everyone else around you. Talking to you is a privilege. You deserve the best the world has to offer. It’s all there out there, waiting for YOU to take it. CHECK
Now, say the following out loud, with conviction: I am a god. People love me. I glow and radiate charisma and charm. I stand out from everyone else around me. Talking to me is a privilege. I deserve the best the world has to offer. It’s all out there, waiting for ME to take it. CHECK
Repeat it once more time, or as many times as it takes, until you really FEEL and EMBODY it.
~I repeated this throughout the day. I had it written on a small card and evidentially memorized the whole thing. And I have to honestly say that this is the exact reason why I am doing this challenge. The above statement is extremely powerful in endless many ways; it blows my mind. People who can say that statement to themselves throughout their days and believe it, will truly improve their lives. I have no doubt in my mind. I did make one small alteration and my first sentence is: "I am a Goddess"; I hope nobody minds.
There you go.
Today, you have a special mission. It is best to perform this mission as soon as you are shaved, showered, clean, and feeling good. You can find out what it is here:
~This was so awesome too. I finished this task by noon and all but one guy had a suggestion for a men's clothing store, and one guy gave me several recommendations and I got a study buddy out of it too.
Brown hair, Brown eyes:
~Sometime before 10am, Guy at copier, asked over my shoulder. Urban Outfitters on Westwood.
Black Hair, Dark eyes:
~Just before 10am, guy sitting behind me in class. Asked over the shoulder. He didn't have a recommendation.
Black hair, brown eyes:
~10am, guy sitting next to me in class. He gave me 3 recommendations. And he asked me to study with him for the midterm.
Brown hair, blue eyes (yum):
~Just before noon. Guy walking towards me on campus, 3rd street promenade.
Asia Black hair, brown eyes:
~Noon, guy wearing a tie. I asked him wear I could buy a tie; he said Ross. I asked him where that was; he said westwood.
If you haven’t yet posted your photo in the Style Critique section of the board, do so today.
~I am not going to post a photo; I value my anonymity.
Go to the Style Critique section of the board. Offer constructive criticism to those who have posted photos. CHECK
Choose one of the following to experience again: The mind-shaping CD, the posture videos, or the voice exercises. This is recommended every day during the Challenge.
~Ummm...ok, later.
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