Sunday, February 11, 2007

Style Life Challenge, Day 7

Day 7


Download and read the following PDF, collecting a dozen of the Stylelife Openers all of you posted



There are two main keys to delivering an opener successfully. My Mystery Method pal Lovedrop shares them with you here:



Choose two of your favorite openers from the pdf. If you prefer an opener that you posted but isn't included, you may field-test that as one of your openers.

Then follow these pointers to committing them (and anything else in the future) to memory:



Make sure you shower, shave, and feel good before you leave the house today. Play your favorite CD at high volume if necessary. If you purchased anything new on Day 5, put it on.

CHECK. I felt great.

Approach five different women today (in the street, at a café, at a bar, in the mall, in an elevator, wherever) and deliver the openers you memorized.

I didn't actually open any guys with any openers. This is where the challenge is going to get difficult for me. I am dating a guy I REALLY like, we'll call him Stalwart Stan. And although we're NOT exclusive, I find it very difficult to date anyone else. Between school and him, there's not enough time to maintain other sexual relationships (trust me I've tried). Me approaching men at this point is counter productive to the relationship I want with Stalwart Stan. I went out last night and met several interesting and fun men but when it came down to it, NONE of them compared to the Stalwart Stan. I am not sure if I should just quit the challenge altogether or stay on to encourage the guys who are also doing the challenge.


At home tonight, make a list of the approaches you did today.

I am going to journal about this later. I'll probably blog a little about it too....stay tuned.

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