Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Seduction and Social Proof

In the last 12 weeks, I have had very little time to do anything other than school related things which basically means I've had little-to-no time for seduction-community related things, except for the occasional updating from my little brother or school friends regarding their sarging.

My Little Brother; Glassjaw

he's one of styles 505.

from what I can tell from my little brother, He's doing fairly well. He's making up his own routines, meeting several girls a week, going on interesting dates, and overall catching on well. His routines are unique and fit him well and he's proud of making them up and using a lot of his own material. I told him he should create a blog or post some of his routines on line, but he had a typical male response;he's afraid exposure would limit his results. I tried to explain to them by the time anybody in this town that he currently lives in learns how to do His routines, he'd be doing new routines. I don't think he bought it.

His biggest sticking point now is kissing, which I find incredibly adorable. My brother is fairly young, and, I think, inexperienced. He's afraid that his nervousness will transfer to the girl while he's kissing her and she'll get too nervous to kiss back (or something like that). I really enjoy the naïve of what he told me. I tried to give them some advice. Not sure if he took any of it. He asked me how "He Who is Him" (H. W. H.), first kissed me. I told them the best I could recall. And I told him after he does it couple times, it won't be a big deal. He is trying come up with his own routine on how to kiss close but he is stuck. I told him to check out some seduction community techniques. He says this is his hardest sticking point, and he's been working on it the longest.

He really likes everything is learning and he really wants to become a pickup artists instructor. I guess I should not be surprised. my brother and I have always shared common interests; I like the suggestion community, he likes his seduction community. I want to teach men how to pick up women, so does he. maybe he'll change his mind after a while.

Dr. Yes, my school friends.

at one point I was calling him my writing partner, but is now my writing partner because he doesn't help me write anything he just listens to me talk about what I wonder. In a previous blog I named him Dr. Yes because I thought it was a cool name, and figured he could use the boost in ego. He's been quoted as saying he "gets yeses with surgical precision." But I don't think he's been doing too much or in regards to the seduction community or sarging. However, when I left him last night, he was getting very comfortable with a very attractive young lady. we're going out tonight, so we'll see what kind of trouble we can create.

I don't know the status of Dr. yeses love-life but I do know he's helped my love life in more ways than one; social proof is powerful.

I'm actually getting ready to go, so I'll write more about this later.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

"schools out for summer"and I found my cell phone, + Puff Puff Pass it along

Spring quarter officially ended last night from me... Yay! And I found my cell phone in my room when I went to do the laundry... double Yay!! And I'd like to introduce a new segment to my blog called Puff Puff Pass It Along... triple Yay!!!

Puff Puff Pass It Along


I would like to share my words reflecting my admiration, knowledge, suggestions, and stories regarding my favorite kind of medication, medical cannabis. I don't have much time now to share everything with you now. However over the summer I would like to write more until then I will leave you with what many of my friends have been asking me for, the location of a doctor in Hollywood, who prescribes medical cannabis.

open noon to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
1017 North La Cienega Suite 110.
West Hollywood California.

My apologies to those that don't live in the area. Doctors are somewhat easy to find, if you're looking for them. Good luck.

That's all I got for now until next time, keep it green.

*this blog was created with the assistance of Dragon Naturally Speaking Software. Thank God for technology.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I lost my cell

And it's on silent (no vibration). It's been missing since Friday and I feel so fucking disconnected. Every single # I don't have memorized is stored in that phone. All my appointments and reminders....ugh. Next week is finals. I was in unmanageable amounts of pain for the previous two weeks and I am still feeling the effects of the pain now. I asked for another paper extension and I am going to be receiving an INCOMPLETE in one of my course. Making up all my missed assignments during the summer. I've just been unable to physically keep up with the demands of such a rigorous educational structure. I'd write more but It hurts. I've Dragon voice recognition software but it only works if there are no other noises around me when I am working, not ideal for an academic setting, if you ask me. In one more week I'll be free for the summer...yay!