Sunday, February 11, 2007

What women want in a relationship

I've been doing a lot of research on the seduction community and thus receive a lot of emails from different group/companies within the community. I'd have to say a lot of it is not that helpful to my research and some of it is even (in my opinion) wrong or misguided.

, from The Mystery Method, seems to be the best newsletter I've come across. It's well written, easy to understand, and full of very helpful information.

I receive newsletters from some of the other companies or groups but most of it seems like trash. My email box is full of emails that just sit there because I don't know what to do with them. Occasionally, I'll read through some of the newsletters just to see if there is anything helpful listed within them.

I recently got an email from the art of the approach, and it was title "What women want in a relationship"....since I am a woman I thought I read it to see if it matched my desires. Some of the advice given seemed legit enough and then I read the following comment:

"Most women aren't used to having men who are
good in bed. So if you can please her
between the sheets, then chances are she'll

see you as a "keeper."

I found this statement very odd. I realize that the term "most women" is a little broad. I'd like to think that I fall into that category most of the time but I do realize that I have had some very unique experiences in my life.

With that being said, I am very used to having men who ARE good in bed. In fact, I'd say that a very small percentage of the men I've been with could be consider "bad" in bed. I pride myself on being understanding and open minded, so I don't general judge a guy based off of our first experience together. It can be a nerve-racking experience and things tend to be more awkward the first time. So I always give a guy a second chance.

Most guys improve greatly after the initial awkwardness and I'd say I've had some very skillful men in bed. But I would never say a guy is a "Keeper" based of his sexual abilities, ALONE.

Oh the other hand, I have had several lovers who were amazing in bed . Unfortunately, these guys were never boyfriend material and the relationships were casual.

In fact, I've only dumped one guy because he was clueless in bed. He was awful, really awful and since it was a casual relationship, I didn't feel the need to spend the time trying to correct his awfulness.

If you've read my blog, you know it takes more than bedroom skills to keep me in a relationship. I am looking for a partner that is well balanced in many aspects of his life, not just overly good in one or two areas. And I don't want a partner who is OVERLY bad in any important areas. There are more important things in a relationship than sex.

Don't get me wrong, sex is an important thing but it's NOT the only important thing and the sex should be at least "good".

I think the above statement should read:

Women are used to having great sex. Regardless of your bedroom skills you better have the rest of your life together because "keeper" status is reserved for men who deserve it.

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