I. Introduction
This project explores the parallels in the evolutionary arms races of advertising and the seduction community.
The seduction community is defined as:
A loosely connected world-wide subculture of (mostly) men who strive for consistent success with attracting and seducing women. This overriding intention is facilitated with improvements of self (inner game), skills, and lifestyle. “It's about developing your self. Your skillset. Your social intelligence. Your 'alpha qualities'. Your lifestyle. Your natural attractiveness to women.” (Roman_be, 2006). This collection of attributes and abilities is what is sometimes referred to as one’s “game”.
In addition, members of this community seek greater understanding of male, female, and social psychology and dynamics. Within this community, there are individuals, businesses, and organizations with varying fundamentals, strategies, and philosophies, that offer advice, products, and services that help assist their diverging objectives.
This community is networked “together through internet forums and groups, as well as over a hundred local clubs, called ‘lairs’” (Wikipedia, 2007) and other similar local groups and gatherings. The seduction community is often referred to by its members as “the community”.
Pseudonyms are often used in the seduction community to protect the identification of members and targets. Pseudonyms are used throughout this project for the same reasons. Except in the case of the author, Neil Strauss; he uses the pseudonym Style in the seduction community. His real name and pseudonym are well known and used in the community and mainstream media coverage. This project refers to him as Neil Strauss in all instances.
The members of this community are often referred to as pick-up artists (PUA). A pick-up artist is someone skilled in the arts and non-exact sciences of seduction. For the sake of this project, seduction will refer to the following definition:
“Seduction is the use of temptation and enticement, often sexual in nature, to attract or influence the behavior of another. Traditionally, the word implied leading someone astray, as when a man lures a woman into a sexual relationship without the need to resort to force. In contemporary usage, however, seduction is used more broadly as a synonym for the act of charming someone.” (Wikipedia, 2007)
This project aims for an objective comparison of two separate but similar groups. The project will not attempt to address the morality or integrity of advertisers or pick-up artists. I do not believe that either the advertisement industry or the seduction communities are innately corrupt or dishonest. As in most groups within given societies, there are varying degrees of ethical practices with both seducers and advertisers. It would be an injustice to label all advertisers and pick-up artists as fraudulent. “Being a PUA doesn't make one inherently manipulative or dirty.” (Illpapinyc, 2006)
In regards to whether or not this community really exists, Neil Strauss, author of The Game and renowned pick-up artist, said it this way, “It really happen[s]. Men will deny it, women will doubt it. But I present it to you here, naked, vulnerable and disturbingly real. I beg you for your forgiveness in advance.”(2005)
Theoretical Frame Work of this Project
This project appears to be the first scholarly attempt to look at the seduction community, let alone to compare the seduction community practices with procedures from the advertising industry. Other sources referencing this community comes from media reviews of individuals, products, and services from the community, or from members of the community, none of which are academic in nature. This is due, in part, to the seduction community’s attempts to remain somewhat covert from mainstream media and audiences. There is a rampant fear in the community of being exposed. The reasons for which, tie directly into the topic of this paper, evolutionary arms race. Members of the seduction community fear, probably rightfully so, that wide-spread exposure would cause insurmountable competition and resistance from targets. Their schemes would have to radically evolve to continue their current status.
Both the seduction community and advertisers rely on psychology and sociology. This project works within in these related fields as it applies to its scope.“Some of the concepts in the [Seduction] community are borrowed from other disciplines, such as the concept of social proof from the psychology of influence, and various concepts from sociobiology and evolutionary psychology (such as the term 'alpha male').” (Wikipedia, 2007)
This project explores the evolutionary arms race that takes place in the seduction community by exploring tactics utilized by pick-up artists to stay ahead of competition, strategies to minimize opposition from targets, evolutionary and biological mating research, and techniques called peacocking and social proof. In addition, this project will briefly explore one reputable company utilizing these concepts in its program, The Mystery Method.
Competition is fierce in the dating world and pick-up artists take this competition against other men to its highest level. Once opponents are disarmed, members of the seduction community focus on their targets, usually highly sought-after women, and they use their knowledge to minimize any refusal to go along with the seduction. Seduction is accomplished in various ways. Knowledge of mating research is used by seducers to create and maintain attraction with women. Social proof and peacocking are methods employed to increase the desirability of the pick-up artists in the eyes of women. The Mystery Method is a highly respected company that has created the M3 Model which incorporates the strategies outlined in this project along with other proven practices. These strategies are just a few of many ways the seduction community takes advantage of the evolutionary arms race of love (and sex).
Due to the fact that there is no academic research on the seduction community, there is vast array of possibilities for further investigation that could be done. Both the advertising industry and the seduction community could learn a great deal from each other. The seduction community already uses advertising and sales techniques to their advantage. However, it is highly unlikely that advertisers pay any attention to pick-up artists. Though, if they did, they might learn important concepts that could be utilized within the advertising field.
Correspondingly, there are some very powerful concepts within the seduction community that could ultimately be beneficial to the advertising industry. One of the most powerful of which is a seduction community concept called “framing” or “frame control”. This concept is fundamentally different than the communication theory, and sociology, process of selective control over media content. (Wikipedia, 2007) It resembles more of George Lakoff’s political framing concepts. (Lakoff, 2006) It would be interesting to see research on the parallels between both pick-up artist and political framing theories.
This project was originally going to include comparisons of parallels with Ries and Trout’s positioning concepts and the seduction community. Positioning is a key concept that would ideally fall under the evolutionary arms race topic of this paper. However, due to the limited scope of this research project and time restraints, that comparison was not included. Further investigation into these comparisons could be beneficial to both the advertising industry and pick-up artists.
In addition, this project was going to have sections on “concealing the hook” and “staged surrenders”. However, proper sources were not secured in time to appropriately detail the seduction community used of these concepts.
When concepts in the advertising industry are compared to similar concepts in the seduction community there may be parallels. The author of this project has researched numerous publications, books, articles, message boards, blogs, and other resources to collect the data that is presented within this project. The data shows evidence that members of the seduction community are aware of biological and evolutionary theories that effect seduction. This evidence further shows how that information is put into practice by pick-up artists. This project’s focus is on the less-studied seduction community as opposed to the exceedingly investigated advertising industry. Members of the seduction community exploit concepts that are also used in advertisement, to get women into bed.
The dynamics of the seduction community is that of an evolutionary arms race that shares features of advertising evolutionary arms race.
II. Methods
I have done a painstaking content analysis of various websites, blogs, articles, books, message board forums, and other relevant resources to locate the information presented. Resources were selected based on their significance to the over all topic of evolutionary arms race in the seduction community. Complications arose when the scope of the project was being considered to include positioning, concealing the hook, and staged surrenders. Although, it seems apparent that there are parallels in positioning, concealing the hook, and staged surrenders in advertising and seduction it was difficult to pin point specific data from the seduction community regarding these concepts. This difficulty is probably due in part to the deviations in terminology in both groups regarding these theories. Such comparisons could be their own research project because of the amount of data that could be presented and the time it would take to gather the data.
Additional complication occurred when attempting to find graphics to add to this project. Some of the concepts presented in this project, such as peacocking and social proof, are not easily transferable into visual representations.
III. Results and Discussion
Evolutionary Arms Race in Advertisement and Seduction
The purpose in both advertisement and the seduction community is to, “learn to adapt and evolve faster than anybody else.” (Hysteria, 2006) Hysteria’s statements get at the core of what an evolution arms race is and the open-ended goals of the advertisement industry and the seduction community. “Stay two steps ahead at all times.”(Hysteria, 2006) But what is an evolutionary arms race?
The biological definition is as follows: "An evolutionary arms race is an evolutionary struggle between to competing sets of co-evolving genes that develop adaptations and counter-adaptations against each other, resembling an arms race." (Wikipedia, 2007) Metaphorically speaking, this is what happens amongst humans in both advertising and seducing. This struggle to stay ahead of competitors’ advances and prospects’ defenses is symbolically an evolutionary arms race.
However, staying ahead has no specific end points or conclusive destinations. "Arms race is also used to describe any competition where there is no absolute goal, only relative goals of staying ahead of the other competitors [and prospects]." (Wikipedia, 2007) Advertisers and seducers have to continually evolve their strategies because the tactics that they develop quickly lose efficiency when their targets develop resistances to those strategies.
"There is an arms race between advertisers and their potential customers." (Steen, 2007) As advertisers’ prospects develop opposition to ad tactics, the advertisers upgrade and innovate strategies to counter those resistances. "In a co-evolutionary arms race, audiences gradually learn to resist advertisers' techniques." (Steen, 2007) Professor Steen is currently researching and developing further work regarding the evolutionary arms race in advertising. This project takes a focused look at the evolutionary arms race in the seduction community. "Sex is an evolutionary puzzle." (Wikipedia, 2007)
“The male’s goal is seduction: He is trying to manipulate the female into falling for his charms, to get inside her head and steer her mind his way. The evolutionary pressure is on him to perfect displays that make her well disposed toward him and sexually aroused so that he can be certain of mating.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 161)
The seduction community is aware of evolution and its effect on the seduction process. The community aims to stay ahead of competitors (other single men) and targets (desirable women). “Fact is, being successful with girls (or at least better than the average Joe) is about adapting your own [behavior],” (Borris, 2006) Pick-up artists seek out resources, such as existing research, that will aid their over-all seduction efforts. "Books such as The Red Queen by Matt Ridley, Sperm Wars by Robin Baker, and The Mating Mind by Geoffrey Miller are frequently cited in the community.” (Wikipedia, 2007) As demonstrated in the following quote:
“For the aspiring pick-up artist, The Red Queen is an invaluable text that provides useful information on how our social interaction has evolved over thousands of years. And how it continues to evolve. The Red Queen not only tells you how we got here, but provides solid scientific evidence that you need to constantly improve your game.” (Strauss, 2006, p.2)
“Game” is a term used to reference pick-up artists’ attributes and abilities. The seduction community works towards advancing its skills and strategies to stay ahead of their competition. “The struggle for seduction never gets easier. However well a pick-up artist may adapt his game, he can never relax, because the hard bodies and alpha-males [competitors] are also adapting their tactics. Seduction is a zero-sum game.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 2) The pick-up artists take into account other economically-desirable (available) males and adopt strategies to make themselves just as valuable. “The technologies of seduction have been developed to help even the playing field.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 5)
However, other men are not the solitary concern of members of the community. Pick-up artists also are anxious with the evolutionary advances of their targets, attractive ladies. As stated below:
“You must constantly refine your game. Seek to grow beyond just spitting out canned routines and pick-up techniques you’ve memorized. Always be learning, and then challenge yourself to grow beyond what you’ve learned. Become your own guru. Because you can bet that whatever technique you’re memorizing, someone else is working on the antidote.” (Strauss, 2006, p.2)
The evolutionary arms race defenses that women adapt in response to the pick-up artist‘s routines are a worry many in the seduction community are concerned with. “If women start to get bombarded with "the game" [pick-up artist’s routines] then you had better believe they will adapt defenses against it.” (Merlin, 2006) Some of these men are worried that they will not be able to develop co-adaptations to the oppositions women form. They realize the divergent goals of the genders.
Male and female aspirations in seduction are evolutionarily different. Female intuitively seek a solitary-quality mate, whereas males viscerally try to find multiple partners, as discussed in this passage:
“Ridley explains that the instinctual goal for every female animal is to find a mate with the genetic makeup necessary to be a good husband, a good father, or a good sire. Male animals, on the other hand, have a goal of locating as many wives and mothers as possible.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 3)
“While it’s easy to think every human being is idiosyncratic and unique, the book [The Red Queen] explains how our mating choices are the result of evolutionary and biological pressures over thousands of years.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 7) There are natural reasons for the discrepancies between the genders’ pairing-off preferences.
“In 1972, Robert Trivers explained why the genders have such disparate goals. The gender that invest[s] the most in children (such as the way women carry a fetus for nine months) is the one that has the least to gain from an extra mating. The gender that invest[s] the least has extra time to spend searching for other mates.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 3)
“Therefore, broadly speaking, males invest less and seek quantity of mates, while females invest more and seek quality of mates.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 133) These diverse objectives create very interesting sexual dynamics. “Because of those different goals, scientists define a reality that every man who has ever entered a singles club immediately learns.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 3) “Males compete for the attention of females.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 133) Women therefore choose and men do the best they can to be chosen. Leaving the men to figure out what choices women prefer to make. In other words, what women find attractive. The seduction community has a large arsenal of knowledge regarding attractive traits women are drawn to.
“In a monogamous society a woman often chooses a mate long before he has had a chance to become a ‘chief’, and she must look for clues to his future potential rather than rely only on past achievements. Poise, self assurance, optimism, efficiency, perseverance, courage, decisiveness, intelligence, ambition--these are the things that cause men to rise to the top of their professions. And not coincidentally, these are the things women find attractive.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 298)
Women have to be perceptive when evaluating the possible successes of would-be suitors. A man’s previous triumphs (or lack of) are not always a clear indication of imminent value. So women often look for characteristics within budding beaus.
“If you [the pick-up artist] exhibit the right traits, then women will take a bet on you. They’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, even though you may not have the corner office just yet. They’re guessing that, based on your personality, you will some day.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 6)
This evolutionary knowledge is used by men in the seduction community to their advantage in various ways. Two such ways are strategies called peacocking and social proof.
"In addition, males and females must spend resources to attract and compete for mates." (Wikipedia, 2007) The usage of these assets is onerous to both the sexes. “Females choose; their choosiness is inherited; they prefer exaggerated ornaments; exaggerated ornaments are a burden to males. That much is now uncontroversial.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 138) The pick-up artists have a term and technique for using “exaggerated ornaments” and the intrinsic burden of these ornaments. The strategy is called peacocking. “Peacocking means dressing for attention” (Urban Dictionary, 2007)
“The term is derived from the courting rituals of the peacock. The male peacock grows an exceptionally long and colorful tail to attract a mate. The long and colorful tail is at best useless and at worst a hindrance (it gets in the way and attracts predators). What a male peacock with a great tail is communicating is ‘I am so good at surviving and protecting myself that I can afford the disadvantage of this tail‘. Female peacocks are attracted to the underlying strength of this kind of male peacock.” (Savoy, 2005)
The seduction community uses “peacocking” as one of many weapons in its armoires to stay ahead of their competition and to advance in the seduction of their target. “Inherently, peacocking, like all pick-up techniques, isn’t meant to be easy.” (Strauss, 2006, p.3)
“We tend to think it’s the woman’s place to be uncomfortable. High-heels, push-up bras, tight shirts, and waxed eyebrows (and other body parts!) are just part of being a fashionable, attractive woman. But to be a successful pick-up artist, you have to be willing to carry some of that burden yourself.” (Strauss, 2006, p.3)
Pick-up artists take on these extra obligations to appeal to female evolutionary desires and to separate themselves from other men. They do this as an act of poise, control, and uniqueness.
“It may feel uncomfortable or not cool sometimes, but it conveys confidence and leadership and individuality when you’re wearing those clothes (as opposed to letting them wear you). And though we [pick-up artists] weren’t born with antlers or colorful tail feathers, fortunately we can purchase and adorn the equivalent.” (Strauss, 2006, p.3)
Peacocking is a delicate art that takes a lot of self-awareness and skill to master. And it is not the only item in the seduction community’s cannon of evolutionary-seduction knowledge. Another instrument that is influenced by evolution and used in the seduction community is “social proof”. “The concept that when you [the pick-up artists] are seen with other women your social status is raised in the eyes of Hbs [hot babes] in the near vicinity.” (Fast Seduction, 2007) This concept has been proven in guppy fish.
“In guppy fish, females that have been allowed to see two males, one of which is already courting a female, subsequently prefer that [already attached] male to the other even if the female that was being courted is longer present.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 146)
“Obviously, social proof is effective, even in the animal kingdom.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 4) “Social proof is basically a synonym for being ‘popular‘; if a lot of other people like me, you will probably like me too.” (Steve, 2006) “If you're with a good-looking and charming person, it raises your esteem in the eyes of others.” (Dolly, 2006) Social Proof can be further explained with the following quote:
“Social value of unfamiliar people is ambiguous and requires a lot of effort to assess accurately. Given limited time and motivation, other people will often evaluate others based on how surrounding people behave towards them. For example, if a man is perceived to be in a company of attractive women, or is associated with them, then his perceived social value and attractiveness will be perceived to be greater. The implied cognition in this case would be ‘All those girls seem to really like him, there must be something about him that's high value‘. If he is seen to be rejected by many women, his social value will be judged negatively. The implied cognition is then ‘I just saw him being rejected by many women, there is probably a good reason why they don't like him‘.” (Wikipedia, 2007)
In the above example, a man does not have to be rejected by “many women” to suffer the consequences of negative social proof; it only takes one female to reject a man to taint the surrounding women’s social impression of that man. A similar cognition to the latter one made in the above quote still applies.
Beautiful women are not always readily available when needed in social situations. So, “some men use photos of themselves surrounded by attractive women to enhance their perceived social value.” (Wikipedia, 2007) This social value can be aided with the help of a digital camera, which some pick-up artists carry with them to show photos to women they meet. In addition, social proof can be achieved without a camera or beautiful women on one’s arms, by using storytelling to sub-communicate that desirable women are already apart of the storytellers life. “Storytelling is a crucial tool in your [pick-up artist] arsenal.” (Savoy, 2005)
“Seduction techniques such as peacocking, social proof, and projecting confidence work in the animal kingdom as well as among humans.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 7) In addition, members of the seduction community use the evolutionary methods to stand out from the competition and seduce the target.
The Mystery Method Corporation is a well thought-of company in the seduction community that offers products and services that make the most of the evolutionary arms race concepts discussed in the project, as well as many other field proven fundamentals and strategies. The M3 model takes trends normally found in sexual relationships and creates an easy to follow method for successfully achieving seduction consistently. “It normally takes 4 to 10 hours of time with her to build enough comfort, connection, and trust in order to have sex.” (The Mystery Method, 2005) This model suggests superior ways to progress through to the final stages of seduction and outlines important concepts for over coming resistance. There is even a stage within the model that addresses the targets’ refusal to go along the seduction, called last minute resistance. The Mystery Method has evolved their M3 model to stay ahead of competition’s developments and targets’ opposition. Unfortunately, the new model’s release corresponds closely to the completion of this project and was not made available to be added in time. Nonetheless, it includes important advances in transitions, relationship management, and other conceptual areas.
Finally the hypothesis of this project is proven with the data presented above. More reliable resources would have been helpful to explain further the concept of social proof. However, the information detailed in the project is significant for the purposes of this research paper. The implication of these parallels could be exploited by both the advertising industry and the seduction community to further progress their strategies. Further parallels between the two groups could prove even more beneficial.
IV. Conclusion
Both the advertising industry and the seduction community participate in evolutionary arms races. Pick-up artists bring into play evolutionary arms race strategies to seduce women and out perform competitors. These men make themselves more sought-after with techniques such as peacocking and social proof which have basis in evolutionary research. They also display confidence. “Body language matters for male sexiness.” (Ridley, 2003) To generate and sustain desirability in women, members of the seduction community use research on mating information to their benefit. The main defined goals of the seduction community are to stay ahead of competitors’ progress and targets’ defiance.
The validity of these findings relies heavily on the integrity of sources. Many of the pick-up artists techniques have grounding in proven theories and all of them have been field tested and retested by hundreds (if not thousands) of pick-up artists world wide. Since there are no scientific studies being conducted on the seduction community’s techniques, proven field testing will have to suffice. If these strategies were not valid or did not work, the seduction community would find, develop, or impose strategies that did. With that stated some of the quotations within this project are purely opinion and should be regarded as such.
It should be noted that the sources obtained from wikipedia, especially regarding the seduction community, may be under dispute and their validity may be under discussion. For further details on specific disputes and discussions, www.wikipedia.com should be consulted.
There are plenty of other fundamentals from the seduction community that could be linked to the evolutionary arms race theory, however, the scope of this project has been met and it would be difficult to catalog all such strategies.
The other unanswered aspect of this project relates to the evolutionary arms race in the advertising industry. This theory is currently being handled by Professor Francis Steen.
In general, it can be said that men and women natural have an evolutionary arms race struggle against each other, however, the pick-up artist bring a wide array of categorical and effective weaponry tactics to this ageless battle.
Which leaves the question; what, if any, defenses have the modern woman develop against these seduction community techniques and strategies?
~Pseudonyms are used in the seduction community by pick-up artists (PUA). Pseudonyms are listed within this project and its reference list. Pseudonyms are followed by a comma and the abbreviation PUA on the list below.
* Appendix could not be made available in the format of this blog. Appendix sources are only available in their original format and locations.
Merlin, PUA (2006, January 27) The Game: the movie thread. Retrieved March 1, 2007.
Borris, PUA (2006, February 24) The Game: the movie thread Retrieved March 1, 2007
Hysteria, PUA (2006, February 24) The Game: the movie thread Retrieved March 1, 2007
Illpapinyc, PUA (2006, February 27) The Game: the movie thread Retrieved March 1, 2007
Hysteria, PUA (2006, July 17) The Game is up (the sky is falling chicken little) Retrieved March 1, 2006
Roman_be, PUA (2007, January 27) The Game is up (the sky is falling chicken little)
Retrieved March 1, 2006
Strauss, N. (2006, July) The red queen: study guide Stylelife. Retrieved February 27, 2007
(see appendix)* Exact of location of this source is not public.
Strauss, N. (2005) The game New York, ReganBooks.
Ridley, M (2003) The red queen New York, Harper Perennial.
Wikipedia, “Evolutionary arms race” Retrieved March 3, 2007 from
Wikipedia, “Arms race” Retrieved March 3, 2007 from
Wikipedia, “Red queen” Retrieved March 3, 2007 from
Wikpedia, “Seduction Community” Retrieved March 7, 2007
Wikipedia, “Seduction” Retrieved March 8, 2007
Wikipedia, “Social proof” Retrieved March 10, 2007
Wikipedia, “Framing” Retrieved March 10, 2007
Steen, F. “Class Lecture Notes” (2007)
(see appendix) * Exact location of this source is not public
Urban Dictionary “Peacocking” Retrieved March 8, 2007
Savoy, PUA; (2005)“Fashion & lifestyle -- OAP issue 7”
(see appendix)* Enrollment in OAP is require. Enrollment can be done through this blog or on www.themysterymethod.com
Savoy, PUA; (2005) “Attraction OAP issue 3”
(see appendix) * Enrollment in OAP is require. Enrollment can be done through this blog or on http://www.themysterymethod.com/
Steve, PUA (2006) “Games are for children: be happy, be yourself” Retrieved March 10, 2007
Dolly, female PUA advocate (2006) “Bf ‘social proof’ David” Retrieved March 10, 2007
Lakoff, G. (February 14, 2006) “Simple framing: an introduction to framing and its use in politics” Retrieved March 10, 2007
Fast Seduction “Common acronyms/slang used on alt.seduction.fast” Retrieved March 10, 2007
The Mystery Method “The M3 model” Retrieved March 14, 2007
Schizo, PUA "Blog Post Comment" (March 9, 2007)
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