Saturday, March 3, 2007

Evolutionary Arms Races in Seduction & Media

The focus of my paper (per my professor's guidance) is going to be a comparison of parallels between the evolutionary arms races in the Seduction Community and in the mass media.

Advertisers, entertainers, news dispensers and seducers have to continual evolve their strategies because the tactics that they develop quickly loose efficiency when their targets/prospects develop resistance to those tactics/strategies.

How you can contribute:
If you are interested in contributing to my research you can make your own posts or refer me to existing posts.

If you want to make your own post, please make it a public post (discussion forum, blog, podcast, etc) regarding any of the below mentioned ideas/topics/themes.

Please also let me know if you know of other online references that may be helpful to my research. All comments and links can be left in the comment section of this post. I'll review the material and consider using it for my project.

Take a look at some of the ideas/topics/themes I've already gathered below:

"An evolutionary arms race is an evolutionary struggle between to competing sets of co-evolving genes [in this case humans] that develop adaptations and counter-adaptations against each other, resembling an arms race." (Wikipedia, 2007)

"Arms race is also used to describe any competition where there is no absolute goal, only relative goals of staying ahead of the other competitors [and targets/prospects]." (Wikipedia, 2007)

Other quotes:
"Sex is an evolutionary puzzle." (Wikipedia, 2007)

"In addition, males and females must spend resources to attract and compete for mates." (Wikipedia, 2007)

"There is an arms race between advertisers and their potential customers." (Steen, 2007)

"Their work represents a ramping up in the arms race between advertisers and their audience." (Steen, 2007)

"In a co-evolutionary arms race, audiences gradually learn to resist advertisers' techniques." (Steen, 2007)

“The male’s goal is seduction: He is trying to manipulate the female into falling for his charms, to get inside her head and steer her mind his way. The evolutionary pressure is on him to perfect displays that make her well disposed toward him and sexually aroused so that he can be certain of mating.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 161)

“The technologies of seduction have been developed to help even the playing field.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 5)

“In a monogamous society a woman often chooses a mate long before he has had a chance to become a ‘chief’, and she must look for clues to his future potential rather than rely only on past achievements. Poise, self assurance, optimism, efficiency, perseverance, courage, decisiveness, intelligence, ambition--these are the things that cause men to rise to the top of their professions. And not coincidentally, these are the things women find attractive.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 298)

“If you exhibit the right traits, then women will take a bet on you. They’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, even though you may not have the corner office just yet. They’re guessing that, based on your personality, you will some day.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 6)

“Body language matters for male sexiness.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 298-299)

“While it’s easy to think every human being is idiosyncratic and unique, the book [The Red Queen] explains how our mating choices are the result of evolutionary and biological pressures over thousands of years.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 7)

“Seduction techniques such as peacocking, social proof, and projecting confidence work in the animal kingdom as well as among humans.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 7)

"In 1972, Robert Trivers explained why the genders have such disparate goals. The gender that invest the most in children (such as the way women carry a fetus for nine months) is the one that has the least to gain from an extra mating. The gender that invest the least has extra time to spend searching for other mates.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 3)

“Therefore, broadly speaking, males invest less and seek quantity of mates, while females invest more and seek quality of mates.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 133)

“Because of those different goals, scientists define a reality that every man who has ever entered a singles club immediately learns.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 3) “Males compete for the attention of females.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 133)

“Females choose; their choosiness is inherited; they prefer exaggerated ornaments; exaggerated ornaments are a burden to males. That much is now uncontroversial.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 138)

“Inherently, peacocking, like all pickup techniques, isn’t meant to be easy.” (Strauss, 2006, p.3)

“We tend to think it’s the woman’s place to be uncomfortable. High-heels, push-up bras, tight shirts, and waxed eyebrows (and other body parts!) are just part of being a fashionable, attractive woman. But to be a successful pickup artist, you have to be willing to carry some of that burden yourself.” (Strauss, 2006, p.3)

“It may feel uncomfortable or not cool sometimes, but it conveys confidence and leadership and individuality when you’re wearing those clothes (as opposed to letting them wear you). And though we weren’t born with antlers or colorful tail feathers, fortunately we can purchase and adorn the equivalent.” (Strauss, 2006, p.3)

“Ridley points out that peacocks are among the few birds to gather together in groups for sexual selection. Scientists call this gathering a ‘lek’. (Strauss, 2006, p.4)

“The characteristic of the lek is that one or a few males, usually those that display near its center, achieve the most mating, but the central position of a successful male is not the cause of his success so much as the consequence: Other males gather around him.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 141)

“In guppy fish, females that have been allowed to see two males, one of which is already courting a female, subsequently prefer that [already attached] male to the other even if the female that was being courted is longer present.” (Ridley, 2003, p. 146). “Obviously, social proof is effective, even in the animal kingdom.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 4)

“For the aspiring pickup artist, The Red Queen is an invaluable text that provides useful information on how our social interaction has evolved over thousands of years. And how it continues to evolve. The Red Queen not only tells you how we got here, but provides solid scientific evidence that you need to constantly improve your game.” (Strauss, 2006, p.2)

“The struggle for seduction never gets easier. However well a pickup artist may adapt his game, he can never relax, because the hard bodies and alpha-males are also adapting their tactics. Seduction is a zero-sum game.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 2)

“You must constantly refine your game. Seek to grow beyond just spitting out canned routines and pickup techniques you’ve memorized. Always be learning, and then challenge yourself to grow beyond what you’ve learned. Become your own guru. Because you can bet that whatever technique you’re memorizing, someone else is working on the antidote.” (Strauss, 2006, p.2)

“Ridley explains that the instinctual goal for every female animal is to find a mate with the genetic makeup necessary to be a good husband, a good father, or a good sire. Male animals, on the other hand, have a goal of locating as many wives and mothers as possible.” (Strauss, 2006, p. 3)

“We’ll be able to adjust somehow.” (Waxlrose, 2006)

“If women start to get bombarded with "the game" then you had better believe they will adapt defenses against it.” (Merlin, 2006)

“Fact is, being successful with girls (or at least better than the average Joe) is about adapting your own behaviour [behavior],” (Borris, 2006)

“Evolve faster than the media can blow it [the Seduction Community] open. Stay two steps ahead at all times.” (Hysteria, 2006)

“being a PUA doesn't make one inherently manipulative or dirty.” (Illpapinyc, 2006)

“The game may be about to bite itself in the ass. That or its gotta evolve big time.” (Irish83, 2006)

Learn to adapt and evolve faster than anybody else.” (Hysteria, 2006)

“It's about developing your self. Your skillset. Your social intelligence. Your 'alpha qualities'. Your lifestyle. Your natural attractiveness to women.” (Roman_be, 2006)


The links following the quotes should take you to the exact online location of the referenced text. If there is not a link quote, the information is NOT available for public viewing online and the reference is listed below.

PUAs' pseudonyms are listed in the references because PUAs use pseudonyms instead of real names, unless the PUA's name is publicly known (i.e., Style is listed as Strauss).

Steen, F. “Class Lecture Notes” (2007) Retrieved March 3, 2007 (will appear in appendix of project)

Strauss, N. (2006, July) "The red queen: study guide".
Stylelife. Retrieved February 27, 2007 (will appear in appendix of project)

Ridley, M (2003) The red queen New York, Harper Perennial.

1 comment:

Socially Challenged said...

This is not directly applicable to your thesis, but this sort of thing is only a problem in methods that depend on memorized routines to get guys into set.
Those who teach more natural game -Juggler's Charisma Arts is a good example although they are far from the only ones these days- are really just teaching social skills such as how and when to express yourself confidently.
If you haven't already, check out SocialHitchhiker's Blog and see his transition from a routine based seducer, to a Charisma Arts convert to an instructor.