Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Gigantic Update Regarding My Little Brother

Upon my highly intelligible advice my little brother has decided to start a blog and chronicle his progress in the seduction community and has changed his pseudonym from Glassjaw (a band's name) to Happy Endings (a band's name...sorta, the band was actually called Happy Ending...singular; his new name is plural just because that's how he handles the ladies).

* Interesting side note
Both my dog and my brother's dog are named after bands too.
Coincidence? I think not. We have a lot in common. Although the pseudonym I use in this community does not come from a band name, I have a very prominent email address that combined both my Ex-Boyfriend's band name and a name of a song he wrote about me. [End of side note] Now, on to the good news.

My brother will be in LA next Saturday 8/25 for his 21st birthday and we're going to celebrate. I am so excited. Yay! I really want to get a t-shirt for Saturday that says "My little brother has more game than you" as I wrote in this blog post.

My brother has canceled his Stylelife 505 subscription (for now) because he has a girlfriend and felt like the challenges weren't progressing. After several months he said he was still getting material that was focused on approaching, while he was getting stuck in comfort with kiss closing.

I have written about my little brother plenty of times on this blog. You can read about my little brother joining the game. I also mention him in these blogs: Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, and click.
May everyone have a younger brother like mine.

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