Friday, January 11, 2008

Academic: The Art of the Interview & Remix Culture

It's a new year and I just finished my first week of the new quarter. So far, I love my classes: Advanced screenwriting (which is a year-long class), Interdisciplinary approaches to literature (Remix Culture), and Life Skills (The Art of the Interview).

The Remix culture class seems fun. The focus on mediums such as the book or new media hyperlink books. First day of class the professor played samples of Tupac and Moby to emphasis the DJ as a remix artist. We had to bring in objects that we considered remixed art. I brought a copy of a movie poster I made for my screenplay w/ stolen images from multiples sources and a copy of "The Game".

The interview class seems cool too because we get to interview someone that does something we admire or want to do ourselves after we graduate. And we may get our interviews w/ Harlen Ellison printed in autograph magazine. Yet the first assignment is to interview a classmate and also make a 500-word description of my face.

I also have to keep a daily journal so I'm going to try to post to my blog daily. Some post may remains as drafts for a while but I'll still find time to type each day. I have plenty to write about, I just need the time and patience to write it.

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