Or another allegory, a wise man once say; I am a radio. The thoughts streaming through my head are the radio wave, my mind is the transceiver, and my mouth is the obnoxiously loud speaking blasting the ever changing station in my head, maryjane is the electricity that fuels this chaos. It's even harder to express this in written form. See verbally it's different, the audio that comes out of my mouth is so natural. The wise man, that was mentioned before (we'll call him: "He who is him" or "Him who is he": HWH for short)* So, anyhoo, HWH used to say he could practically see my train of thought. That's when HWH came up with "You're a radio". So now it's an inside joke. You-had-to-be-there sort of thing, ya know?
Oh well, so if this doesn't make sense to you; don't worry. It's not supposed to. You should only worry if this is crystal clear to you.
This is my defense of the seduction community (and this should help people understand my reasoning or support of this group of guys).
* This is the best way I can describe him who is he. Trust me if I had a better why I'd use it but It's hard to name all that he embodies.
1. inner game
"Learning's golden gifts" ~ "Dr. Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe
I have yet to find a definition for inner game. It's basically an multi-variant and interdisciplinary set of self-awareness knowledge structure or latter or what I like to call rhizome. "Rhizomatic" isn't a real word (yet) but it's a philosophy or theory. You'll have to look it up to figure out what i it really means. I'm going to use the concept as best I understand it to explain some thing, the way I see them.
Rhizome means that there is no one true base or root; it's not like a tree. A tree grows from one set of roots, if you damage those roots enough the whole tree will be damage and all parts of the tree come from that single root system. Rhizomes roots are complex system; it's more like grass. This probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense so I'll move on. No need to further complicate an already complicated concept by butchering it.
If inner game takes on rhizomatic features. It basically means there are many different roots (subficial...is this even a word? I'm using words that don't exist in the dictionary)** Inter game isn't just one thing or it doesn't just root from one base or one source. It's multi variant and multi equative (shit another word that doesn't exist in the dictionary...it's hard to write what I mean when words fail to express what my thoughts truly represent...I don't know what the point of mastering language is if it can express what's really going on in my mind?).
I believe everything is rhizomatic; love, life, sex, thoughts, memories, relationships, ideas, behaviors, actions, language, art, etc. Not to mention, inner game.
I believe to some degree all human beings are striving to effect some aspect of inner game in their life, regardless of they are pick-up artists, or everyone else. The pick-up artists are just more systematic and thorough about it (or at least they strive to be). And this is one thing I like about them. They are pushing themselves and ultimately the evolution envelope further and they brings the rest of us along with them, even if we are kicking and screaming the whole way there.
When one person focusing on making themselves better it has a profound effect not only in the life of the one doing it but in the lives of those surrounding that person striving to be a better person. You get enough people doing this and suddenly there's a shift towards improvement in so many different areas. I wish I could be more specific or give more examples but I'm having a hard time.
It's a complicated concepts and it's not easy to explain without simplifying it to the point of altering it. I believe this is how many of the PUA concepts are though. That's why it's so difficult to understand, master, and teach. That's why I admire those that can do anyone of those; not to mention, someone who can do all three of those. It amazes me. If I really think about it, my thoughts and emotions get overwhelming. It scares me how intense this stuff can be.
I'd love to learn what the PUAs know about inner game and be able to apply it to my life and see what if any effect it has on me, my life, and those around me. And then I wonder if it can be taught to or beneficial to other women.
I've notice I'm fascinated with parallels and I'm dying to discover, theorize, or connect the parallels between what the PUAs have already learned and it's female equivalent.
So inner game is something I like about the PUAs. I am not going to keep going, I think it's pretty clear what I mean. Plus I am getting tired and have 4 more sections to write. This may have to be segmented blog post. I'm not sure how much more I can write.
**roots and underground grass grows and trunks of trees grow above ground. Roots represent the inner part, the grass represents the surface level manifestation of what's happening below the surface (subficial)
2. calibrations/microcalibration
Calibrations is another amazing concept that blows my mind. It reminds me of what good actors do or it reminds me of one of Sinn's recent blog posts (I can't believe how insanely knowledgeable that guy is).
I studied theatre for three years and 2 of those years was spent learning under one of the best teachers I've ever had, and probably one of the better acting teachers. That latter part probably can't be proven. He rigorously taught countless students at junior college the method acting style.
Much of it was lost on me. I wish I could have had 3 more years studying with him but I was clueless at the time and didn't make the most out of it and now he's retired.
Anyhoo, the concept of calibration remind me of the work we were doing in intermediate and advanced acting. It's call being in the "moment" or "checking in". And it relied heavily on responding to what is happening at any given moment on stage. It's not about pretending. It's not about acting or displaying or faking. It's about relating to the other person on stage and reacting to what they are giving to you. It's actually very difficult to do this but when done well it's amazing to watch and be a part of.
This is what PUAs do with women (if they are good). They take when she says, an expression on her face, a change in body language, a tonality alteration, an eye shift, of glance or any subtle reaction and they use that knowledge to proceed.
The most basic part to this would be IOIs or IODs and the PUAs response to them.
You can't calibrate if you're not paying attention, if you're not focused. You can make you're next move if you can't see what move she just made. It's like playing chess blind. Only I've never played chess, so maybe that's not the best example. But I am blind; literally I am legally blind in my right eye; but figuratively I am pretty blind in other ways too. So, I am fairly confident in my the blind metaphor of the example....moving on:
So, I basically like calibration.
3. Disqualifiers
This is gold to me. If you don't get or understand this concept, your game may be less than what it can be. PERIOD. I can't explain why it's so powerful but I know it works. and I know it works and many different levels. It's an art within itself to master.
4. understanding the opposite sex
"Sporting in the dalliance of love." Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
My biggest sticking point is understanding men. PERIOD.
I'm starting to recognize a pattern of behavior that I display that is probably very off putting to the men I date. IIf there was an e-book on this concept I'd buy it in a heartbeat, and I'd pay what it's worth too. This is definitely an area where the PUAs have us girls out foxed. PUAs know so much about women it's almost ridiculous. I've learned more about myself from guys than I think I've learned on my own. Guys seems to see things about me that I'm figuratively blind to. And they have this great analytical way of expressing it or a whole different perspective to understanding it. I wish I understood myself completely and I wish I understood men enough to deal with them better.
"Its not until we try to understand the opposite
sex that we can start having real success with
them." Joseph Mathews.
[I'm tired...I'm going to leave this blog unedited and incomplete. I know I'm leaving social capital unwritten about again, but it's such a huge concept to tackle and I'm exhausted, I can't really function beyond this point. And no one really reads my blog, so I think it can wait until I am more coherent. and when my eyes don't hurt from being so emotional. and when it's not nearly 2 am...I know that the time stamped on this blog is going to be the time I started writing this but that was a long time ago...it's 1:42am now...)
5. Social capital
1 comment:
Inner Game is the set of beliefs you hold about yourself and the world around you. Without a strong set of core beliefs, you are easily influenced by the world around you. You can call inner gamer your "self-talk" if you will.
As far as calibration goes, I like that concept but to be honest with you, I prefer to think of being more socially self-aware, or even being more socially intelligent. Calibration implies that you are adjusting/reacting to someone else's reaction to you. This is what leads to reaction-seeking behavior when taken to the extreme because the PUA tries to meet the woman's approval.
Confident men don't calibrate per say. They just talk in ways that makes you feel comfortable with their values. They introduce things in a "situationally relevant" way. You both don't have to agree with each other's values but the fact that he can present his persona confidently to the woman in a non-offensive way makes him more attractive.
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