Thursday, March 8, 2007

My introduction so far and more resources needed

I NEED public resources that discuss POSITIONING see this link for further comments regarding positioning.

Because pick-up artists use different terminology than advertisers I am having a difficult time finding resources that deal with PUAs getting into the targets mind, positioning (for lack of another word) himself higher on "fuckable"/desirable ladder or knowledge structure.

But now that I think about it, any discussion on "attraction switches" could be seen as an attempt to positions oneself higher the the targets mind. And most things that PUAs do (peacocking, DHV, etc) is an attempt to elevate the PUA in the target's mind. I'll have to give this more thought and keep looking.

If you know of any public resources that could be helpful to my project, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to leave a comment. My project will be due before I know it and I want it to be a good project.

OH yeah I almost forgot. I am only focusing on the parallels between seduction and advertising (instead of mass media; mass media was too broad of a scope for this project)

Here's my introduction so far:

This project explores the parallels in the evolutionary arms race in advertising and the Seduction community.

The Seduction community is defined as:

A loosely connected world-wide subculture of (mostly) men who strive for consistent success with attracting and seducing women. This overriding intention is facilitated with improvements of self (inner game), skills, and lifestyle. “It's about developing your self. Your skillset. Your social intelligence. Your 'alpha qualities'. Your lifestyle. Your natural attractiveness to women.” (Roman_be, 2006). This collection of attributes and abilities is what is sometimes referred to as “game”.

In addition, members of this community seek greater understanding of male, female, and social psychology and dynamics. Within this community, there are individuals, businesses, and organizations with varying fundamentals, strategies, and philosophies, that offer advice, products, and services that help assist their diverging objectives.

This community is networked “together through internet forums and groups, as well as over a hundred local clubs, called ‘lairs’” (wikipedia, 2007) and other similar local groups and gatherings.

The members of this community are often referred to as pick-up artists (PUA) . A pick-up artist is someone skilled in the arts and non-exact sciences of seduction. For the sake of this project, seduction will refer to the following definition:

“Seduction is the use of temptation and enticement, often sexual in nature, to attract or influence the behavior of another. Traditionally, the word implied leading someone astray, as when a man lures a woman into a sexual relationship without the need to resort to force. In contemporary usage, however, seduction is used more broadly as a synonym for the act of charming someone.“ (Wikipedia, 2007)

The Seduction community is often referred to by its members as “the community”.

This project aims for an objective comparison of two separate but similar groups. The project will not attempt to address the morality or integrity of advertisers or pick-up artists. The author of this project does not believe that either advertisement or the Seduction community are innately corrupt or dishonesty. As in most groups within given societies, there are varying degrees of ethical practices with both seducers and advertisers. It would be an injustice to label all advertisers and pick-up artists as fraudulent. “Being a PUA doesn't make one inherently manipulative or dirty.” (Illpapinyc, 2006)


P said...

Hey Ana! It's Schizo from StyleLife Challenge boards, what happened to your audience? Your assignment is getting close to due and poor thing getting no feedback to help you out... anyway, I'll try to give my input...

You know, I've actually had a hard time answering your post. On first thought, I thought there was an arms race between male and females, then I realized the following...

In courtship it's closer to the following... If you're a female your main competitors to which you would have an arms race with is not males but rather other females. In order to attract male pursuers you have to beat out your own gender first, and then you'd have a secondary arms race with prospective males, one in which you determine if they're at your standards. So it's... females VS other females 1st and then 2ndly males ...and likewise if you're a male... it's males VS other males 1st and then 2ndly females. (PUA's address this one in the field by opening a group first and winning over the males before trying to isolate and close the female.)

If this was paralleled with the advertising world, it would be something akin to... corporation VS corporation (as in female VS female) and advertiser VS advertiser (as in male VS male).

I think an arms race is triggered when two parties want access to the same resource. Here's some parallels that can be drawn between the advertising world and seduction community...

-Battling Parties = advertiser VS advertiser (i.e. newspaper > radio > TV > internet > video games ...and giant Media firms VS other giant Media firms), the fight is down to each advertisement campaign/advertisement
-Resource wanted = money from sponsoring companies and action (purchases, sign up for things, loyalty) from sponsoring company's customers.
-Method: in order to extract the desired behavior, humans must be understood to the point of predictability. human preference and behavior has been data mined. and in the effort to find the most effective medium of advertisement every medium that can be turned into advertising has (or is tagged to be tried). more resources will be allocated to the mediums which works best currently and less to those which doesn't.
-Effect of the battle of advertisement = massive advertising bombardment on general public. customers are happy when products and advertisement are in agreement, otherwise pissed off if product fails to meet the initial high of the advertisement.

Seduction Community
-Battling Parties = men VS men (the bases for creation of the community is to have men in the seduction community VS men outside the community...where men in the community have the advantage. the nastier variant is men in the community VS other men in the community)
-Resource wanted = hot babes (HB's)
-Method: in order to extract sex, HB's must be understood to the point of predictability. female mate preference and pre-sex behavior has to be data mined through the process of trial and error. the purpose of communication (and seduction community routines) is manipulation of resistance into desired result.. all ineffective routines will have to be readjusted or discarded while those that work will be moved to the forefront and reused until rendered less effectual by adaptation or readjustment of the target niche (HB's). Readjustment or adaptation can occur if the target niche is bombarded with the same type of routines over and over again, overuse has a tendency to reduce effectiveness as our human minds are designed to account for variation and novelty and discount the already known.
-Effect of the battle = HB's sarged to the point of annoyance. like handing out money for a purchase based on advertisement, HB's are happy when the male product performs as advertised and both advertisement and product is novel and good ...HB's are pissed when only the advertisement is good but the product fails to perform after handing over the currency of sex.

Other Notes:

People often respond stronger to negative messages (danger, threat, alerts, alarms), and advertisers often learn how to capitalize on our weaknesses and fear of loss. Once we're in this state we're more susceptible to buying a cure or prepackaged solution. In similar light, PUAs have learned to hit women with NEGs/teases/C&F to get her off any pedestal she might have put herself on and to lower her to a more human level, once more humanized she becomes more susceptible to being seduced as it is now possible to DHV's (sell oneself) and connect with her through emotionally charged story telling.

Some of the "getting into the mind of targets" involve subconscious processes. Some PUA's use NLP.. attempt to trigger suggestive behavior through use of weasel phrases, embedded commands, hypnotic story telling, leading questions, and painting vivid pictures in the mind of girls (look up some of Ross Jeffries work). Others use Kino to try to make a girl feel more comfortable, relaxed, and familiar.

Both advertising and PUA's use:
-social proof... Advertiser try to show people just like us enjoying their products while PUA's try to show the target that girls--just like her--like him.
-communicate subconsciously through association... advertisers show pretty girls using their products causing us to subconsciously link sex appeal to the product we see in the ad, PUA's have routines where they fake imaginary girls liking them to try to increase their value in front of live females... one routine involves having imaginary phone calls with adoring female fans that don't exist, another is putting lipstick on yourself as if a girl kissed you, and yet another is going out with a paid wingwoman or female pivot (female friend)



Ana Renee Jones said...

Hey Schizo/P,

I really appreciate you taking the time to compose such a well-thought out and thorough response. It means a lot to me. I am going to include your entire text in the appendix of my research paper. This is the sort of thing I like about the Seduction community, I call it social capital. Thank you very much.

Ana Renee Jones

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中高年 転職
アルバイト 求人情報
競馬 予想
東京都 墓地
パチンコ 攻略

