Thursday, February 15, 2007

PUA concepts that confuse me (a little): Frame Control

As much as I like the Seduction community, there are somethings that make me uneasy (which I'll save for another blog post) and something that just confuse me. Frame control is one of those things that I just don't understand all that well.

Sinn did a great post on Frame Control but I am still a little confused. And because there isn't a whole lot of "free" information on frames and frame control I am finding it hard to wrap my brain around this concept.

As I mentioned before I get a lot of free newsletters from various seduction community organizations. Most of it seems pretty useless to my research but I occasionally read through different newsletters when their titles catch my eye.

I recently received a Mehow, Inc. newsletter that mentioned a "frame". But it makes no sense to me. Here's the frame excerpt from the newsletter:

"'You are the cutest ... space alien I've met all night.'

When you do this the content makes it such that you HAVE TO BE PLAYFULL because its hard to come off un-playful when you start talking about space aliens. The reason playful works is that it creates a happy playpen that communicates you are having fun. When you do this women immediately fall into that frame subconsciously and accept the teasing."

What frame involves "space aliens"? Is this an astronaut frame? Sci-fi frame? I don't get how a girl "subconsciously" falls into anything with this frame. It just doesn't make sense to me.

In my paper I want to compare "framing" in advertising to "frame control" in the seduction community. So, I'll have to a little more research or ask a PUA to explain this concept to me.

I think I understand what a frame is. It's a reality that a PUA wants to convey. One example I can think of is "I am the prize" frame.

The thing I am having trouble understanding is how to establish/create and control/maintain that frame. I guess that sort of stuff is covered in the e-books, seminars, and other products available in this community.

I think I'll ask my Professor to explain advertising frames or refer me to the reading where it was discussed. He's mentioned frames in class several times but I don't actually recall reading about them. Maybe if I understanding advertising frames I can understand PUA's frame control. Because understanding PUA stuff has helped me understand advertising stuff (I'm hoping the reverse is true also).

The only other examples of frames I can think of are "framing" in movies and television and literary frames within frames (i.e., Canterbury Tales, etc). And some how I doubt the PUA frame is related to either of these two concepts.


razasid said...

The PUA frame refers to a PUA's frame of thinking/reacting/mood in social situations. A frame can be positive or negative.


When heading to a club, is the PUA in a fun mood?

If a girl rejects a PUA, does he go sit in a corner by himself for the rest of the night, or does he just laugh it off!

Does the PUA actually believe he's the prize? Or is he needy or trying to prove himself, which shows easily to people around him.

Sean Messenger said...

keep in mind, babe, mehow is an idiot. :-)