Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I need a quick opinion


I can't stay long because I have a midterm to study for. But I need your opinion on something:

What do you think of The Mystery Method's(TMM) Venusian Arts Handbook (VAH)?

The reason I am asking is because my Communication Studies project/paper proposal is due on Friday. I have to outline what I plan to do in my paper and I am considering using this as a reference. Your opinion is greatly needed.


My Communication Studies project is focused on comparing advertising and entertainment concepts with similar concepts in the seduction community. Some parallels I am considering discussing are: Branding, Positioning, Evolutionary-Arms race, Frames, Psychological Triggers, etc.


If you do NOT own it, please visit the link and list 3-5 things you like about the VAH webpage & 3-5 things you think could be improved on the page. Also list your likelihood of purchasing the VAH on a scale 0-10 (0= would NEVER buy it; 10=I'm ordering it now). You can leave this info as a comment.

If you own the TMM VHA, please leave a review as a comment. Let me know what you think of it. 3-5 things you like and 3-5 things you think could be improved in future editions.

Also please include in your comment: your age, location, sex, and if you consider yourself a PUA or not.

Your feedback is very important to me and my project. It should take anywhere from 5-20 minutes to complete this task (depending on how thorough you want to be). I really appreciate you taking the time to assist me with my project.

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