Sunday, April 29, 2007

Life is NOT perfect but parts of it are excellent

Perfection is overrated. This is a random rant. And it may ramble. A basic observation I have about humans, including myself, is they constantly want more than what they have but they do not always utilize all they have. I'm sure if you thought about it long enough you could probably think of example for every desire people have.

I have a friend who wants to be a comedian. We'll call him the "Komedy Kid"[Side note: for those of you who have actually read my blog, he is also know as the tagalong kid, or something like that, in a post made earlier in the year. He's the guy who said "Ohmygod! This (PUA stuff) is going to change my life; I am going to have babies." Side note ending] He bitches and moans about it all the time and he is constantly criticizing others. He thinks he knows how to do everything right but when it comes time to doing it, he doesn't, and then he always has an excuse.

I was supposed to see him perform comedy a couple times and both times I ended up flaking on him. So the third time he invited me out, I actually made an effort to see him perform. So here's the scenario:

It's late on a school night. I'm usually in bed before the show even starts. I just left the library, where I was working on writing a paper that was due that week. So, before the night even starts, I can think of at least two different places I'd rather be and two different things I would rather be doing than seeing comedy in a dingy room of some brewery in a college town. Namely in a lover's bed, sleeping after sex.

So Komedy Kid had better pull some Kung-fu komedy out of his ass or I'm going to be pissed I even showed up. So I show up with my girlfriend from school. For all the PUAs out there reading this blog, we all know each other from class. Some of our other friends show up and it's on. Except for it's not really on. We go in and nothing is ready. But I play it cool and try to relax because I am there to support a friend. And I'm stoned so it really doesn't matter. We're the only people in this room. Well, it was us and some of the comedians but it was mostly use. So the first comedian goes on, to warm the crowd up. And at this point there's less than 10 people in the room and I am one of three girls huddled near the front.

I'm an easy target, dressed in red, with a cute red hat to cover my blood shot eyes, and a form fitting red jacket to match my wine red lips and a fluffy red scarf to match my beat up old red sketchers. "What's your major?" the first comedian hurlers at me. "English" I bat back to him as I turn to figure out where my friend is and why he's not performing. That first comedian ends his set fairly quickly. Then a girl comedian gets up. Luckily she doesn't see me as an easy target. She tells some funny jokes about dating and her set ends a while later.

The whole time I am thinking my friends going to be the next comedian on. But not it's another older comic. He also thinks I am a great target, I play along....ha ha he! But he quickly looses my interest after a while but I am fine because I am still stoned and he's not completely awful. Although it's uncomfortable when he starts saying he'd eat a girls pussy in the audience. It just came off inappropriate and uncomfortable since it was just out of no where in his routine. He's calling for the next comedian to come to the stage but the next comedian isn't in the room. And there's a delays, so he stays on stage for a bit longer.

The next comedian is actually someone I have heard of and do know of, Godfrey. I remember seeing this guy first on the "IT Factor" on the bravo channel or one of those cable t.v. stations. I used to watch it years ago. And he was on it. He auditioned for SevenUp and he then became the SevenUP guy. He probably got paid well for it and I'd say it was probably a bit of an accomplishment to be black spokesperson for a major soda corporation and not be an athlete. As far as I know, he was fairly unknown at the time of getting that spot and he's still fairly unknown. It's pretty cool to have minority as a spokesperson. I'm rambling.

By the time he had gotten to the stage I had to pee, so I excused myself and when I came back. I decided not to sit back near the front with my friends. Instead I hung out with Komedy Kid near the back. Godfrey went on for ever and he was only mediocre in laughablity. I mean, when he was funny, he was really funny. But when he wasn't, he was sorta like this blog, just white noise to fill space (well, in his case black noise but who's counting?)

So I am sitting next the Komedy Kid and every time Godfrey boring, he gets fidgety. Then his fidgetiness turns to mopiness. And he begins sighing and grumbling softly to himself but so much so that I can see his anguish out of the corner of my blind eye. And I turn to him....

And if his body language could talk, it would be screaming "I'M A BIG BABY! WAH!"

I tried to silently console him by patting him on the back. I was hoping to cheer him up before he went on because I knew that a bad attitude would effect his performance. But he wasn't having any of my consoling.

When he did eventually get up; everyone left the room but his five friends and a few of the remaining comedians. He did not handle it well. They have a turn for the way he handled it; he coked. And it looked bad. At one point, he even got made at the audience, his friends, for not laughing at his terrible timing and pathetic jokes. I was no longer stoned and wished I had been. He didn't stay on stage long before he called up the next comedian and he practices some really lame jokes on us. But the best point of the night was when the last comic, a midget, got on stage and referred to me as "Blossom". I was done. It was already the next day and I was ready to leave.

My friend really pissed me off about it too. He had a shitty attitude about it and blamed the whole thing on the Godfrey. What a chump. He didn't take any responsibility for his own actions and basically said there was nothing he could have done in that situation. I was pissed I even showed up because he disappointed me in his ability to handle a difficult situation.

He bitches and moans that he doesn't have quality comedy gigs but then he doesn't take advantage of the opportunities he has. It's a real shame too because he's really talented but his own by negative outlook is going to limit his success.

I was actually started to respect the kid in creative ways. He's very sharp and witty. He's just too young and stupid to take advantage of it.

He's waiting for the perfect gig to come along but he's not willing to learn, grow, and improve with the imperfect gigs first.

It's like people want more money but they don't even use the money they already have wisely. Or people want the perfect partner but they aren't appreciated the good things they already have in the person their with. It's like wanting a better job but not performing well at your current job. Or wanting more opportunities but pissing away the opportunities they already have.

I need to get back to working on my English paper. This post will remain unedited until further notice.3:22

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