Thursday, April 26, 2007

Check out the "Dump the Couch!" article in Forbes

Check out the "Dump the Couch!" article in Forbes

Thu, April 26, 2007 - 7:43 PM

I know I mentioned this previously, somewhere; I only read newspapers and magazines while I'm waiting, usually in a doctor's office lobby. Fortunate for me (or unfortunate, depending on how you look at it) that I've been doing a lot of waiting in a lot of doctor's offices during a majority of the last two years.

Most the time, what I read is diabolically devoid of all density; such publications with Britney or Paris on the cover or other such tarts, covered or uncovered, within the publication. Occasionally, I’ll stumble upon a political piece; but most of the times, at least in recent times, the pages are filed with similar scandals of those starring Lindsey or Nicole. But on the rarest of occasions I have the honor of having something truly enlightening to read while waiting in those dreadful waiting rooms.

Today, I had the pleasure of happening upon a Forbes. Imagine my delight. I can not honestly remember the last time I read through a Forbes. For some odd reason, stemming from strange developmental experiences; I have a fixation for quality magazines. I used to read Time magazine, when I was a kid, every time I went over to baby sit the neighbor’s kids. After I put the kids to bed I would pour through stacks of Time Magazines. I loved it. Time magazine represented something very special to me as adolescent. Time magazines are a little easier to find at Doctor’s offices, although not as easy as finding exclusive dirt on Christina or someone related to Anna Nicole.

The cover of Forbes caught my eye and I read through most of the article about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. As some of you may recall, I have been working on self-improvement since I moved to Los Angeles, about 7 months ago. What many of you probably don’t know is that I have been participating in cogitative behavioral therapy groups and learning about difference aspects of it, for my own benefit (not to go into it as a profession). I am really enjoying it and I feel like I am slowly (but steadily) progressing well.

I would definitely recommend it to any of my friend and anyone looking for a better way to handle life’s difficulties. Students and others on medical insurance should ask their provider if any CBT services are available to you.

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